
November 14, 2010

Dream Blog #002

I lived in a big house. I was part of some rich family. My father was a strong ninja warrior who could control multiple elements. I think he specialized in Water and Fire. I had an older brother who was naturally good at everything and was always getting praise from my Father. My Mother was an Asian lady who was kind at heart and quiet. She hardly ever spoke up, but I knew she loved me very much. I got in a fight with my Father and decided to run away and train myself or something. A young maid who's always taking care of me ran away with me too. She had dedicated her life to our family and decided to watch over me the best she could. She wasn't much in a fight, but she knew the basics. She also cooked really well. There was snow on the grown. Quite a bit. I think it was winter time. When I ran away I caste a spell called Flight on the maid and I. It allowed us to run across the top of the snow without leaving any foot prints. I also said goodbye to my Mother who said that she liked the fact that I always had a problem or something like that. I guess she was trying to say that she loved me even though I wasn't perfect like my older brother. My Father knew I left. He was secretly on the roof watching me flee and he had a smile on his face. He knew that I was going to do great things when I got older. I have no clue where my older brother was. I think he was out on a mission or something. I also remember getting down on the ground after casting a cloaking spell to make myself look like a pile of snow. I was spying on two people talking. I don't remember what they were talking about, who they were, or anything else that happen after that.

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