
November 18, 2010

Red Cliff - Movie Review

Beijing Film Studio©China Film Group©Lion Rock Productions©

The first chapter of a two-part story centered on a battle fought in China's Three Kingdoms period (220-280 A.D.).
Rating: R
Genre: Fighting
Year: 2008
It was easy to follow, which is always a good thing. However, sometimes the battles got a bit confusing. At least to my family, they did. I didn't have that much trouble following it. Then again, I have played Dynasty Warriors enough times to understand what was going on without the movie telling me. It's basically covers the start of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and focuses more on the battle at Red Cliff. For those of you who have played the games, it's the one where it's night and you're fighting on a bunch of ships that are stuck together. It's also the level where you can pick up fire arrows.
Really nicely done. There's a lot of awesome scenary shots and the battles were insane. The amount of people they had in the armies still blows my mind. There are scenes where it's a flying camera shot down the river, and it shows litterly hundreds of ships stationed along the shore. An incredable movie.
Wrap Up
This movie was a lot better than what I thought it was going to be. I've seen a lot of random movies based off of ancient wars in Asia, and for some reason they're all border line B-Movie quality. However, this one really takes the cake (as you one could say). It was an amazing movie with great acting and camera work. The battles were very entertaining and easy to follow (for the most part). I would love to see another movie as good as this one to explain more about the battles that came after Red Cliff.
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