
October 04, 2010

Dream Blog #001

I had a dream in which I went to bed and woke up 2 years later. It seems like I had gone missing. People assumed that I was dead or ran away and started a new life. To me it was only a single night. The first thing I did after I awoke was talk to my family. They asked me a ton of questions and I remember not being able to answer any of them. Then after that I asked about my friend, Kat. It turns out she had the same phone number as she does now and so I called her to see what she was up too. Turns out she was dating some guy and pregnet or something. In my dream she seemed super upset that I would get ahold of her after 2 years, but I tried to explain that to me it was only a single night.

A time jump in my dream. I owned a grocery store. I remember walking down one of the allies and finding a baby T-rex. I guess I kept it as a pet or something. This part of my dream was really fuzzy. It was like I was now aware I was dreaming and starting to wake up. The T-Rex kept flickering between Yoshi and actual T-Rex. Then it was gone. Like it never was there to begin with. Then the allies of my store were gone and replaced with school desks. All of my workers were sitting in them and I was standing in front of some sort of black board. It seems like we were having a company meeting. I was writing people's names on the board and putting a number next to their names. I'm not sure, but I think the number was how much stuff they sold during that term. The meeting was interrupted by a commotion outside. I remember a cop chase, but I can't remember what it had to do with my store. I just remember picking up food outside and walking back into the store with it, only to be stopped by a police officer who acused me of stealing the food from my own store.

Another time jump. I was out in space working on a satalite. I was in the old fashion prision outfits. The black & white stripe ones. My partner who was helping me fix this satalite was Goldar from Power Rangers. This is when I know I was dreaming. I started to wake up. I remember talking with the guy about a new season of Power Rangers which takes place before the original Power Rangers.

Then everything changed and I was sitting at my computer with my friend Kat. It turns out everything in my dream was really a movie we were watching online. I remember being really confused and asking her a couple of questions. Then I awoke for real. This was a very unusal dream. I'm not sure what it means, but I felt the need to share it with everyone. Maybe someone who has one of those dream books can look up some of this stuff. If you do, and it's interesting, then please let me know.

As I was writing this review for all to read, I remembered something else. One of the people I worked with was a guy I went to school with. I wasn't friends with him and I never hung out with him. We did share a locker once in 6th grade. For some reason in my dream I kept thinking he was Rick Moranis. I have no clue why. They don't even look the same. I guess he was flickering between himself and Rick Moranis just like the T-Rex was flickering between Yoshi and an actual T-Rex.

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