
October 08, 2010

Shaman King - Manga Review Update

Shaman King #6
This was on interesting volume. Once again it didn't actually show Yoh's training, but it did a better job explaining it. Of course, it was just survival training, and that's pretty self explanitory. Anyway, they introduced some new characters which seem to be only good for comic relief. This is a good and bad thing. Some of the stuff I found funny, but other times it was just too much. I'm pretty sure the two new spirits they introduce is based off of or inspired by Red & Stimpy. Next volume should cover the final fight for the Priliminaries. I'll be looking forward to an awesome battle between Yoh and his rival, Ren.

Shaman King #7
Pretty intense fighting in this volume. I thought it would have the entire fight between Yoh and Ren, but it looks like it carried over into volume 8. Other then the fight, it showed who showed up for the opening ceremony as well as random things about Ren. It looks like Hiroyui Takei is trying to make Ren out to be the "Vegeta" character. I'll admit he's a strong fighter, but I'm not sure how I feel about this. I guess the only choice I have is to keep reading and see how it turns out.

Shaman King #8
This volume actually covers quite a bit. Finishes the Preliminaries. Ren & Yoh's battle ended in an interesting way. I had a feeling it was going to be something along those lines, because the real fights haven't even started, and they went through all that trouble making Ren a main character. My original prediction about Ren being the "Vegeta" character seems to be right. They gave him a troubled past and of course had Yoh & company get involved in helping him break away from it. There's a mini battle at the end that wasn't as cool as it could have been, but they seem to be building up to a really awesome battle with Ren's father. Hirouki Takei seems to be doing an excellent job setting up his characters. All of the backstories seem to make sense in some way or another. However, there isn't any real evil people. The people who seem evil all had a tragic life. It makes sense, but in a way just ruins the darkness that could be in the story. You know what I mean?

Shaman King #9
This volume filled me with excitment as I read it. If you get this far, and still not sure if you like the series, then I would suggest stop reading. This volume is the start of your addiction phase. Not only is there an insane battle with Ren's father, Yuan, but there's also the showing of all 96 contsents for the Shaman King battle. Introducing a new villain and his minions are also done. Everyone who survived this far has been gathered at the Yokocha Naval Base and flew to the USA. Looks like it's about to get real interesting soon. 
On a personal note. Does anyone else think that Yaun, Ren's Father, look like Dr. Robotnic (Sonic the Hedhog)? I also notice that they've been in Japan, China, and now America. They've interacted with Shaman from all over the world. There seems to be no language barrier at all. Makes things easier, but I would like to see miscomunication just once in a manga like this.

Shaman King #10
Survival of the fittest seems to be the key factor in this volume. Not only does it have a few interesting battles, but it has a lot of back story on the new villain and the Path Tribe. Not all the questions get answered, but a few do. The volume ends with an incredable twist!  On a more personal note; I wondered how long it would take before they introduced a trap. Japan really likes throwing them in their manga & anime. I will never understand their obsession with guys who look like chicks. I enjoyed the random TTGL reference when Ryu did the "Who the hell do you think I am" stance. Yoh managed to pull off a new move, but it never really explained how he learned it or even him training. Not sure how I feel about it right now. All I can really do is keep on reading and hope that it just keeps on getting better.

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