
October 20, 2010

Otome Youkai Zakuro - Review Update

J.C. Staff©
The fox-eared girls living in the youkai part of town are about to be put to work together with a delegation of young human soliders, to promote interracial understanding. So when will happen when Zakuo's strong personality collides with human sensibilities? This one can go two ways. It can be a Romantic Comedy, or it can be filled with Drama, War, and Fighting. I couldn't find enough information on it right now. I'm pretty interested in this one, so I'll be looking forward to the actual episodes. I want to see which direction it will take.

Episode 1
Pretty interesting concept. This episode was very entertaining and made me laugh a few times. I also enjoyed the character introductions and relationship development. However, the battle towards the end of the episode was a real disappointed. It reminded me of Star Driver, in where it was a one hit kill. Hopefully the next episode has a bit more of a battle.

Episode 2
So this episode shows how scared humans are of spirits and how much Japan is trying to be like America. It has it's pros, but they're forgetting their own culture in the process. It makes an excellent point. I also figured out that the lack of action is based around the fact that this pretty much has a romance undertone to it. 

Episode 3
This episode shows that there might actually be a or some villains. It also shows that not all spirits are friendly or scared. There are some that are very dangerous and even eat humans! However, there's still not much action in it and it still has that drama/romance undertone. 

Wrap Up
This show wasn't what I was expecting. It's still pretty good, but I thought it was going to have battles, action, fighting, and possibly war in it. It's pretty much based around the relationships between humans and spirits. I would say it's a good show if you're into not much action. Sometimes we all just need a bit more romance in our lives. I suggest this one for all those of  you who want a break from the action anime and/or want a bit more romance in your lives.

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