
October 19, 2010

Psychic Detective Yakumo - Review Update

Bee Train©; Sogo Vision©; NHK©
Yakumo Saitou was born with different eye colors. His red left eye gave him a special ability to see ghosts and spirits. Being asked for help by Haruka Ozawa, he usses his power to help him solve cases. I think this has been done a few times. Not in anime, but in live action American shows. I remember hearing about a few shows like this. Like Ghost Whisper or whatever it was called. Hopefully it's not too bad.

Episode 1
This first episode was really well done. It's got me interested in watching more. It's about a guy who can see ghosts and helps this girl out. They explained how he can see ghosts and they even through in a twist at the end of the episode that will give it a possible villain. Every good story needs a main villain. A mastermind behind the mysterious that the hero solves.

Episode 2
This episode showed that not all of the episode will be based around murders, but can also be about ghosts who wait to see their love ones before departing to the afterlife. The show itself is actually really interesting. I love how they always show quick scenes of the main villains at the end of the episodes. You just know something is going to happen sooner or later.

Episode 3
The plot thickens. This episode shows that Yakumo can't save every ghost. Remember, all he can do is see them and nothing more.

Wrap Up
Overall this anime has a very interesting concept. It's like most dective shows involving ghost, but throws in scenes involving another group of people who also can see ghost. The main adjective of this group is still unknown, but it gives you the impression that some serious shit is going to go down sooner or later. The show does a good job keeping the watcher interested as well as showing different types of cases. It's not the same thing over and over again. I highly recommend it for anyone who likes a good crime solving show.

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