
October 24, 2010

Shaman King - Manga Review Update

Viz Media©
Volume 16
So much happens in this volume. I'll try to keep the spoilers to a minume. Not only is there a couple of fights, but there's also a lot of background storytelling. It helps with the development of the key characters. Also there's a twist thrown in that makes you wanna just keep reading.  The plot thickens as Hao tries to recruit Ren, the X-Laws try to recruit Yoh, Hao's spirit miduim and true power is show, and Yoh tells everyone about the connection he has with Hao. You'll have to read it all to find out about these events in detail as well as anything else that may have happen that I left out.

Volume 17
This volume makes me wonder if people wrote Hirouki Yakei and complained about how quick the battles have been in the past couple of volumes. There was some intense fights and they happen outside of the tourniment. It looks like Hao's minions are making their move and attacking Ren's team. The plot is laid. The mana levels are reveled. How will Yoh and company survive this battle? We'll just have to read on and find out.

Volume 18
I'm kinda dissapointed in this volume. Mainly because it came with a free trip to Japan if I had bought the manga 3 or 4 years ago. It's no longer vailed. I also didn't care for the fact that a main character had kicked the bucket, but like a lot of manga these days, they found a way to bring him back. Some of you may see this as a spoiler, but I'm really getting fed up with that happening. Dragon Ball over did it, and now a lot of other manga seem to be finding ways to keep characters alive, because of their fan base. I know it's sad when awesome characters die, but that's what makes it realistic and what drives the other characters to get stronger. More is at stake when you don't know you can be brought back to life. I also thought that the two weakest people having the strongest ability was a bit lame. I've seen that done a ton of times too. It's a good way to balance it out, but even the game Twisted Metal did it. Weakest people having the strongest special is just so over done these days. Of course one could argue that everything has already been done. This is true, but it's nice to see things that are not done in every other manga that I'm reading. I want to see a verity. You know?

Volume 19
There really isn't much to say about this volume. The entire volume is a flash back. It even has flash backs within the flash backs. Don't worry, it's not too complicated. It coves the time when Yoh met Anna. It also has flash backs of the final battle in the last Shaman Fight. It seems like a cat spirit was the one that delt the final blow to Hao 500 years ago. The next volume continues the flashback. Let's keep reading and find out what happens.

Volume 20
The end... Well, sort of. I'm guessing this is where the anime ended. The first half of the story is over. Starting with the next volume it's the next stage in the story. A most interesting plot twist has changed the course of the storyline. What will happen next? It's hard to forsee right now. The only real way is to continue reading. However, I have no other volumes and currently no money to get them. I feel since this is the end of the first series, it's also a good place to stop and put Shaman King on hold. It may be a few months or even a year before I'll have the money to pick up the rest of the story and the time to read them. I may not do any more reviews. I think doing a review of the first series is enough to get people to read it. I might do a review on the anime, but I haven't decided yet. However, on the bright side, I can now work on some other manga. Thank you friends who give me their old manga that they no longer want. It's the one good thing about friends who move and/or get married and/or grow up.

Buy - Volume 16
Buy - Volume 17
Buy - Volume 18
Buy - Volume 19
Buy - Volume 20

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