
October 19, 2010

Marvel Anime - Iron Man Review

Anime version of Iron Man. It's probably going to be better done then the American version, because it's pretty much a Mecha show. Most of you would probably understand that Japan does an excellent job with Mecha related shows and so them doing an Iron Man show makes sense. At least to me it does.

Episode 1
Pretty interesting. It's all about Tony Stark going to Japan to promote a Japanese version of Iron Man. It seems that Mr. Stark is retiring and wants to have people take over for him and keep the world safe. However, an orginization called Zodiac steals the new suit and Tony Stark is back in action as Iron Man.

Episode 2
This show has a lot more action in it then I thought it would. This episode does a good job keeping you at the edge of your seat. However, it still has the American cartoon feel, but just done in anime art style to it. However, the combination seems to be doing well for itself. 

Episode 3
It's good to know that the show is still got that American knowledge behind it. This episode is about the tornados killing off professors. The other professors think it's from their old research on the Tesla project. Last I checked, Tesla relating projects weren't about Tornados. I was hoping the Japanese would do a bit more research for their storylines, but maybe they wanted to keep it as close to the American version as possible?  Alright, they did explain close to the end of the episode and I guess it does kinda make sense. I'll let the Tesla thing slide.

Wrap Up
All in all, the show is pretty decent. I was hoping it would be done better then it was, but at least it wasn't horrible. Pretty much the normal show you would see on Cartoon Network, but done in Anime form. Sadly, we no longer have Toonami. This would have been perfect for it. Do I recommend this? Eh... Sure. If you have nothing better to do, then watch the show. It's not bad, but it's nothing to brag about. I hear it's only going to be 12 episodes, so might as well watch all of it. 

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