
October 15, 2010

Shaman King - Manga Review Update

Viz Media© & Shonen Jump©
Shaman King #11
This volume is filled with many different things. I'll try to keep the spoilers to a minume. The one thing I don't like about it, is that there's a Vampirer that they have to fight and that just doesn't make any sense when you're talking about a fight among Shamans. Ryu has his first serious battle since his training with Yoh's Grandfather. The Path Tribe gave everyone a three months to make it to their village, but it seems like Yoh & Company manage to get to the entrence in only five days. The volume of course ends in a clif hanger. I'm interested in seeing what they're going to do for the remainder of the three months.

Shaman King #12
If you're running low on cash, this would be a good place to stop for awhile. It ties up some loose ends and ends in a way that makes me feel like it would be the end of the first season. There's still a lot of questions to be answered, but they made it to the village. The first major arc is completed. My guess is the next volume is going to be after a three month time jump. Since they only took five days to make it to the enterence. They're not in the village itself, but I can see the next volume starting off with them in the village and then doing flash backs to show how they made it through the maze. The events that happen in this volume really makes me wonder if Hiroyuki Takei had this all planned out or if he's just going with the flow. Starting to really enjoy how complex the story is becoming.

Shaman King #13
Took me awhile to get ahold of this volume. None of the bookstores I went to had it. I manage to make enough money off this site to order it online. Thank you everyone who clicked the ads! It really does help. Anyway, this volume marks the start of Part 2 in the Shaman Fight. Which just so happens to be a 3-vs-3 tourniment. With 63 contestants still around, who will make it to the finals? The fights are starting to get exciting. Everyone had the chance to train for two months before the toruniment started, so you know they are all powered up. I just love to see everyone's new moves.

Shaman King #14
Not a lot to say about this volume. It covers more of the 3-vs-3 tourniment and with the way things are going, I'll say it'll be a few volumes before the finals. The fights are not super intense, but they did do a good job introducing another villain as well as the background story behind her. I also like how people are actually starting to die off now too. There has been a few deaths throughout the series, but it's more obvious and common now. I guess that's what you get for sticking evil people in a fighting compitition for the chance to become Shaman King of the entire world.

Shaman King #15
This was a real fun volume for me. Other than Shamans, I have a thing for Vikings and Druids. Both are shown in this fight with Yoh's team. I was overly interested while reading for that sole reason. Well.... That and the power ups that they showed. Yoh's team really did get super powered up, but I'm dissapointed in the fact that they showed everything right off in the begining. Hiroyuki Takei should have saved it for a surprise during one of the more important battles. However after reading it, I can see why he wanted to show it off. I'm sure Hiroyuki Takei was just as excited drawing the manga as I was reading it. I'm looking forward to see what else is in store for Yoh and company. Even more now that Ren deiceded to run off and attain a new ability on his own. Will he finally be stronger than Yoh? I guess we'll have to keep reading to find out!

Buy - Volume 11
Buy - Volume 12
Buy - Volume 13
Buy - Volume 14
Buy - Volume 15
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