
October 13, 2010

House, Season 7 - Review

Mondays at 8:00pm PST/7:00c on Fox

I'll admit, I'm not a House expert. I've only seen a handful of episodes. Usually when I was at a friend's house. I just recently started the 7th season, because I had always liked the show and wanted to see what was going on now. I think the last episode I seen was in either season 4 or maybe 5. It was a couple of years ago if I'm remembering correctly. If you're like me, you don't really need to see the other seasons to know what's going on, but it does help. House is an asshole who has a team of doctors that specialize in figuring out what's wrong with a patient when no one else knows. With that knowledge you can jump in and enjoy the show. However, I do suggest checking out the other seasons if you're interested in the personal relationships and developments among the characters.

Episode 1
This episode wasn't too exciting. It covered the newly developed relationship of House and Cuddy. It also foreshadowed something going on with Thirteen. Really not much as a starter to a season, but I guess it fits since the last season ended with them together or something like that.

Episode 2
This episode tackles the conflicts that come up from House and Cuddy being in a relationship while still being in the work environment. As many of you might know, Cuddy is House's supervisor/boss. I'm sure that can get quite awkward and they did an excellent job showing it.

Episode 3
House is a big fan of an Author who gets checked into the ER, because she tried committing suicide. He spends the majority of the episode trying to find the manual script of her latest book, so he could read it. The show also tackles the fact that House and Cuddy have nothing in common outside of work. House is trying to find some kind of common ground and so he takes her out on a couple of dates. Which prove quite entertaining for the viewer.

Wrap Up
The season started off a bit too slow for me, but Episode 3 proved that it's getting back into the groove of things. I'm really looking forward to watching this show on a daily basis and hope the season continues to get better and better. However, I have a small amount of fear that they will drag the show on longer than it needs to be and ruin it. I've seen a lot of shows do that, but so far House seems to keep the watchers entertained by throwing in plot twists and new interesting cases. I recommend everyone who enjoys doctor shows to check out House, if you haven't already.

Watch - Episode 1 (Hulu)
Watch - Episode 2 (Hulu)
Watch - Episode 3 (Hulu)

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