
October 11, 2010

Pokemon: Crystal - Review


Crystal starts off just like any other Pokemon game. You get a starter, learn about the Pokedex, and then start off on your journey. While collecting badges you also level up 6 pokemon of your choosing to challenge the 8 gyms. Each gym leader you defeat gives you 1 badge. Collect all 8 and you can challenge the Elite 4. While you're running around collecting badges and Pokemon, you're also fighting Team Rocket. They have once again tried to take over the world or some junk and you, a child, stop them in their tracks. 

As always, it's a bit challenging getting started. Once you gain a few levels and found some Pokemon that are not bug type, the game starts getting easier. After defeating the 8 gyms, you move on to fight the Elite 4. They guys are a bit tough, but not as much as I originally thought. Once you figure out what they are weak against, you can pretty much one shot all of them.  Then after you defeat the Elite 4, you challenge the current Pokemon Champion. Which, to my surprise wasn't Red (from the original game), but someone else. 

After claiming the title of Champion you get access to the Kento region, which is the area in the original games. You can run around collecting the badges here and a few Pokemon that weren't availble in the starting region. The gym leaders are really easey. I think their Pokemon are lower levels then the Elite 4. This was a disapointment. There's no fun in one shotting everything for the 2nd half of the game. However, I did like the fact that you can fight Blue (original game rival). He was slightly harder then the rest, but still manage to rip him a new one.

At this point I'm wondering where YOUR rival is. He kinda just dissapears from the game. Oak allows you acess to Mt Silver. From it's name and your rival's name, I figured you would fight him there. Sadly, you don't. He still isn't in the game. However, you do get to challenge Red at the top. You would think that Red would still be considered Pokemon Champion since no one has defeated him yet, but I guess he was missing during the 3 years in between the 2 games? This is the only real challenging fight. All of Red's pokemon are level 75+. Most of them are in their 80's. I think they did this to give you an excuse to grind. No other reason to power level at this point, except to evolve some Pokemon to fill your Pokedex. 

1 comment:

  1. Actually, after you did the elite 4 for a few times your rival will stop you right before entering and challenge you with Pokémon around level 45. I was rather surprised because I, too, thought he had disappeared completely. The fight was a disappointment though, since all my Pokémon were level 60 or 70 or something and I basically kicked his ass into oblivion.

    I don't quite agree with your rant about the Kanto-Leaders. In my opinion they were a lot stronger than the Elite 4 themselves. Well, not all of them. Blaine and Blue got me in trouble a little but nothing that a couple Revives couldn't fix. Also Red isn't that strong actually, it's pretty easy to beat him if you use decent Pokémon (I still love how my typo-check accepts Pokémon but not Digimon :P) at level 70. Grinding to 70 in itself is pretty easy too since I managed to beat the league with 4 Pokémon at level 43 to 46 and your Pokémon WILL gain 2-5 levels by doing the league. Just take Suicune or something that knows either Ice Beam or Aurora Beam. It's really going to help you with the dragon dude.

    Your new HU is quite interesting, though I do miss the old forum.

    Wow, it's been ages since I've used this account!
